Black Lives Are Magic.


a set of 5 short poems intended to continue the necessary conversations regarding racial and economic injustices, and keep them lifted in resolve and united in the way of progress.

Dedicated to our ancestors to whom we give thanks and all the respect. To those who lost theirs lives as result of police brutality and system entrenched in hatred of black people.

These pieces were composed as a result of being convicted by the spirit, while in Residency at the Lou Harrison House for Music Arts & Ecology.

G R A T I T U D E.

Composer Kennedy Verrett, playing ‘to Harriet’ on pianoforte. Composer-in-Residence. October 2020, Lou Harrision House Music Arts & Ecology.


to Harriet

to Harriet, in honor of Harriet Tubman. These iterations are by Composer and Kindred Todd Barton. Listen to Todd’s unique perspectives on these pieces. Also, watch how he uses this poem, as a springboard for conversation.


Black Lives Matter, Period.

Take a listen to this iteration of Black Lives Matter, Period. Performed on a music box created by Adrea Erra,



happiness spell

Watch the Portland Premiere of ‘happiness spell’, ‘to Harriet’ and ‘Black Lives Matter, Period.

Performed by Rory Cowal on pianoforte

Portland State University Thursday, January 28, 2021, 12:00

Noon Concert (Virtual)