Indigenous people have long harnessed the power of sound to help guide them while hunting and gathering, in ritual and ceremony. Understanding this balance and their place within it ensured survival.
Acoustic ecologist, Bernie Krause, hypothesized that in a mature environment, species are able to avoid competition by vocalizing at different times, different timbre, and bandwidth. WAIT WHAT? (Read more below)
PHOTO: The background photo is one I took on a backpacking trip to Alaska, with my friend. The mountain you see is Denali, the tallest peak in North America. We were about 100 miles from the nearest town, in the backcountry. As we hiked through the various ecosystems, each had its own unique timbre which was fascinating to witness. Cranes, Streams, water droplets freezing on the tent, gentle breezes. No human sounds other than ours. Truly one of the those life altering experiences.
The soundscape is amazing is being recorded and documented by scientists, and the government, to monitor changes in this extremely diverse environment. I’ve included a map from the NPS (National Park Service) which shows where all the research stations are. Check it out!